The following are short stories of how Laundry and More is making a difference in the community. No names are used, but stories contained are typical of the struggled of our neighbors whom we are getting to know each week.
A young couple raising a child of a first grader. As they left, their words stopped me in my tracks. Thank you. It has been 4 months since we have had clean clothes.
“Why is it is so loud in here?!” That is often the comment that I hear from visitors who stop by Laundry & More to see what is going on. My response is always, “Isn’t it beautiful? We are building community and washing clothes at the same time. Neighbors are meeting each other. Everyone is helping each other, and people are looking forward to doing their laundry not for the clean clothes, but for the hugs and smiles from the people they will see.”
It is not breaking news that bullying is a problem in schools. However, did you know that personal hygiene is often where it starts? When a person does not look clean or smell clean, he or she is often the first to be excluded, picked on, or pushed out of social circles regardless of age. Shawn Bush, Director of Student services for Lawrence Public Schools, not only helps to bring this to light, but also sends members of her team to help each week because it strengthens the work that they do in the schools.
You mean I don’t have to pay to do my laundry today? I got up and gave blood today so that I would have the money to do my laundry. Thank you. These are the people who need more than just clean clothes.
Are you the pastor, because I could really use prayer. I have HIV, identify as transgendered, and I am scared. I haven’t prayed in a while, but I need prayer and God. That is where the conversation started…
Overheard at the laundromat – “Thank you for helping me. I need someone who will read the bible with me. Can we read it together?”
This help is great, but I could really use a job. Do you know where I can find one? Through our partnership with Café, a partner agency on the east side, people are being connected with those who host job fairs, and connect people with jobs. Connecting people with partner agencies in our community is life transforming for many who come.